Market Focus : Aerospace and Defense

GMS is currently building a specific know-how around radiation hardness. This allows us to design architectures that suit space and harsh environments, specifically addressing the DoD agencies' requirements.  This know-how also coincides with an on-going process to be qualified as an organization for DMEA and DoD programs.

GMS is an expert organization for designing highly performing custom memories and compute-in-memory architectures for specific purposes including DoD specifications.

Other Markets  White Papers

Radiation Hardness

At Green Mountain Semiconductor, you'll find many years of experience in memory product development with various degrees of radiation hardness. We deploy multiple design techniques on top of radiation tolerant technology platforms to optimize the overall results in a systematic manner.

Green Mountain Semiconductor was recently awarded an SBIR with NASA in the topic of Deep Neural Net and Neuromorphic Processors for In-Space Autonomy and Cognition. It explores the effects of radiation on neural network accelerators and design solutions are developed for optimizing such hardware for radiation hardness. This work will open the door to advanced electronic hardware in the growing space market.

We also developed a radiation hardness simulation environment to minimize the failure rate while maintaining an optimal power and chip size budget. Rather than deploying all known methods to all circuits, we analyze each circuit block to find the critical areas where the return on investment is optimal.

Courtesy: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Edge AI

Reduce data transmission volume and vulnerabilities by processing critical sensor data in situ and at low power. Our neuromorphic computing IP leverages in-memory and near-memory processing for high parallel, low power computing. Based on technology initially funded by the NSF and further developed since the end of Phase 2 funding, we are ready to engage with system developers and software partners to create small form factor low power solutions for any kind of remote sensing situation.

Courtesy: National Science Foundation

White Papers

Our firm has authored a multitude of comprehensive white papers. We invite you to explore our library. For full access and the ability to download any of our papers, please submit a request for access.